An amazing future

Hi guys! Today I speak to you from the future. I am now a thousand years ahead of you, and here everything works very differently than you are used to. I tell you that while I was at the university in 2019 I thought I would be a great terrain geographer and autonomous, but today things took a different way. I tell you that today we use robots to replace and make the job easier. While here in the future we still have geographers, but with some big differences; today we care a lot about the environment and ecological preservation, and to make our work easier (as well as that of geologists, mining engineers, etc.) there are robots that are programmed and left in the field; they collect samples, provide us with results and capture every visual image while we create land-use plans and other projects that have helped the people of the future a lot. Today everything is more advanced but more complex, today we move with my family and my partner in trains that travel at 1000 kilometers per hour, so you instantly arrive anywhere, the number of cars on the streets have been reduced, green areas are prioritized and the amount of trash has decreased, since today the culture is recycling and composting. Here we all share, reuse, refuse and recycle. I have also been able to travel to many countries around the world and this culture is already generalized. In China they are making the first flying cars that work with solar panels, we don't pay for electricity either because everyone has installed these panels in their homes and on the streets; technology has also evolved, everything has evolved. The world has changed completely and I would very much like your years to pass quickly so that you can contemplate it as I do.

See you in a few more years!


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