A great conversation

Hi, welcome back to my blog! Have you ever thought about a conversation you would have liked to have with someone you are very interested in? Well, I do. In my particular case I would have loved to have been able to meet and talk with Simone de Beauvoir. She was a very important feminist teacher, philosopher and writer, characterized by fighting for women's rights. Honestly, the first time I heard and read about her was when I started university, when I became fully involved in feminism. For me she is a very interesting person, as it coincides with my interests and the political focus that I currently have in my life. Personally, I also think that she is a very brave, intelligent woman, with the strength and capacity to fight during an era for being very complicated, retrograde and discriminatory for and towards women.

I believe that if I had had the opportunity to meet her, we would have talked a lot and asked her a lot of things that go through my head. I would like to know her experience with the conflict, how she has managed to convince and mobilize women in such an ancient age, and what she thinks of the influence she has had today in society and in feminism, because for many people she is a reference on the issue and in our daily lives. I think that finally I would have also thanked her for the contribution she made to the movement, because a big part of society feels that the feminist movement was born with Simone de Beauvoir.

That's all for today dear classmates, see you in the next blog!


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