My movie hero

Hello classmates! Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite movie heroes. She is Mulan, from the 1998 movie of the same name. Mulan Is a young Chinese woman during the invasion of the Huns. Mulan’s father it’s sent to war by the emperor but Mulan disguises as a man and pretends to by his father first born son and replace him in the troops. Aided by a funny tiny dragon, named Mushu, sent from her ancestors, Mulan trains and at the beginning she doesn’t do very good, but by training and never giving up she becomes really strong. She also ends up saving China from the Huns. I first saw the movie when I was 10, and I really liked the action scenes, I thought they looked really cool, also I felt the music was really uplifting and inspiring and memorized many of the songs. I also thought it was really funny, Mulan and the friends she made in the army, Yao, Ling and Chen-Po where really funny, and made ma laugh many times. I like Mulan because I feel like she is strong and doesn’t let others pass over her. All of this characteristic makes me feel like she is a great hero for many people.


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